Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rise up on your hindlegs against Internet impurrsonation!

This video is about an issue that is very near and dear to me... a new law in California that makes it illegal for a dog to impurrsonate a cat on the Internet with the intention of causing the cat harm.

I, too, was once almost a victim of Internet fraud. A dog once impurrsonated my long lost sister. She wrote that she was from a different litter and different father, but that we came from the same mother and could I maybe wire a million dollars to her bank account because she was stuck in an airport and she had no money and also she had to help some prince out or something.

I was suspicious right away and I wrote back, okay, well, what other ways are you related to me? She was all like "Huh?" And I said 'cause you could be my sister-niece-aunt-cousin-grandma or my sister-second cousin-cousin-great aunt-niece-mother or my sister-sister-in-law-aunt-grandma-cousin-cousin.

She wrote "I am your sister-aunt-cousin-mother-granddaughter."

I replied, "You can't be my granddaughter because I have no children!"

And I never heard back from her!

Ha! Take that, Internet scammers!

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