Sunday, June 12, 2011

I want to eat a fish


Today the humans walked through the door after being gone for several hours. My human lady burped almost immediately entering my personal space, the living room. I could detect the scent of squid, razor clams, scallops, yellowtail nigiri sushi, fried river shrimp, softshell crab, some other kind of crab, oysters on the half shell, lime juice, mussels au gratin, grilled fish, octopus, watermelon juice, marshmallows covered in chocolate and caramel pudding on her breath.

"Damn you!" I said. "You went to an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet without me again!"

"I think I should go lay down," replied the biped, moaning softly.

I am kept on a special diet of dry, tasty pellets designed for male adult cats. I cannot complain because they are indeed tasty. But, just once, I would like to enjoy a sweet, tender, briney sea creature. My human lady won't even let me at Chicken of the Sea because she says it is bad for cats. She is full of lies! LIES!

I want to eat a fish. And a bird. And my humans' feet. I am just biding my time...

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